Amazing: Beluga whale blows ring-shaped bubbles

It’s almost ironic that the Japanese can train these whales to “play” and do sentient things but in the same breath allow their countrymen to go out and slaughter them…any way, this really is cool.


Beluga whale blows ring-shaped bubbles

06:30 AEST Wed Sep 14 2011

By ninemsn staff

The whale has been practicing for three years. (Hiroya Minakuchi/Minden Pictures)

A Beluga whale has become the star of a Japanese aquarium since it learnt to blow halo-shaped bubbles.

The 10-year-old whale has been perfecting her technique over the last three years — using the water from her mouth to make a current and then blowing the air from her blow hole into the current to make a ring.

Photographer Hiroya Minakuchi, 54, is the only non-staff member allowed to dive with the belugas at Shimane Aquarium.

“This beluga started making bubble rings when she was seven. And a couple of years ago, she developed her technique,” he said.
A Beluga whale…

For the full story and video go here:

Also check out these dolphins doing the same thing posted from a few years back, sooo rad:

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Chris Nomad: Passionate Nomad: Born in Venice, lived in Hawaii 7 years, surf Santa Cruz 25+ years. Professional Writer, Artist, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur, Noob Photog. You can find him on