Australians call for killings, vengeance against sharks
Australians want blood. And they want a lot of it after four people on Australia’s west coast were killed by sharks in the past 7 months. The idea is that these attacks are the work of one shark who has developed a taste for human flesh.
However, as Australia’s continue to mount a witch hunt of sorts and demand the government implement a cull of some kind in order to bring down the shark population on the coastal areas, experts are attempting to warn people to remain calm.
According to Trinin Whitikar, an South African shark expert currently investigating shark attacks in Australia, there is little to worry about.
“If we look at the situation, it is simply ridiculous to think there is any issue,” he told “At real issue is the fact that we humans are developing our desire to go farther and farther out in the ocean and in areas we know are dangerous and then demand sharks be killed when they bite us.”
In many ways, local newspapers have helped foment fear by talking about the man eating sharks off the country’s coast. The reality is quite different, says Whitikar, who argued that trying to kill shocks in their own environment is wrong.
“What we need to do is tell people that if they are going to be fishing then they should not be doing so unprotected. It is a no brainer to think the most recent attack happened,” he adds, commenting on the crayfisherman who was attacked and bled to death before he was brough ashore.
Andrew Fox, who runs Adelaide’s Rodney Fox Shark Museum, told Germany’s dpa news agency that after an attack on the south coast last year that sharks do not develop a taste for people, and that going after ones who show what we consider aberrant behavior is just pointless vengeance.
“They normally don’t bite humans,” he said at the time. “They bite them but don’t consume them – we don’t have the energy content of dolphins, whales and snappers – but they kill people with the test bite.”
Australian government statistics show that the country, despite the four attacks in the past half a year, has had less than one attack annually for the past four decades. 37 in total, and of those attacks, less than half, 16, have been fatal.

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