Words by – Chris Nomad
PHOTO (WARNING!): Keala Kennelly Tweets Photo of Teahupoo Carnage
2 September 2011
Seriously, do not scroll down if you are squeamish, the worst reef gash I’ve ever seen!
Earlier tonight Kauai’s own Keala Kennelly tweeted a photo to 10 time World Champ Kelly Slater, “here is that pic I told you about. (it looks way better now I swear!” Also posted on her FB page with an apology for posting if you were eating lol…
If the fact that Keala is the hardest charging woman surfer of all time wasn’t enough to make you respect her, this photo will give you a serious wake up to the reality of just how tough this woman is.
During the “Code Red” period of the Billabong Pro in Tahiti, the waves got so dangerous event officials put the entire contest on hold. Not only was it dangerous to be surfing at this time, it was completely unsafe to be in the channel at all, and event officials made certain only the most veteran surfers and captains were in the water during this time.
Seems like just yesterday Keala was the first woman to tow in at Teahupoo emasculating men all over the world. And far away seem the glamorous days of filming ‘Blue Crush.’ Here is a video of the wipe out caught on the gnarliest day of surfing ever filmed:
And here is the aftermath photo…
Nothing but respect for the Queen of the Ocean, feel free to follow her on Twitter: @KealaKeenelly
Follow me on twitter – Chris Nomad @NorCalSurfNomad

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