Scientists refute report on capture of great white shark in Primorye
Scientists refute the information about the capture of a five-meter great white shark in Primorye. Yesterday, a local paper published a photo of a huge shark caught by fishermen.
Scientists claim that the photo taken is a montage. In fact, this shark was caught not in Primorye, but in Sakhalin. Besides, it happened 4 years ago.
“We looked at the image published in the Pacific Komsomolets. This photograph was in fact made in Sakhalin Island four years ago, it is a well-known photo. The white shark was then caught in a net or a trap”, said research scientist of the Ichthyology Laboratory of FEB of Russia’s Academy of Sciences, Biology Ph.D., Vladimir Zemnukhov.
The original photo shows a teenager sitting on the shark. However, in the published photo there is a man. Zemnukhov claims that his body was simply pasted over the body of the teenager.
For the full story go here:

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