Deadly: It is believed that a Great White Shark similar to this one was responsible for the fatal attac
Shark attack victim’s partial remains reveal he was ripped apart
By Richard Shears
PUBLISHED: 13:13 EST, 6 April 2012 | UPDATED: 13:34 EST, 6 April 2012
Human remains believed to be those of shark attack victim Peter Kurmann were washed up on a beach today – and suggest that he suffered far more hideous injuries than first revealed.
Victim: The extent of Peter Kurmann’s injuries were not revealed at the time but yesterday it was announced that body parts believed to be those of the keen diver had been found
Following last weekend’s fatal attack south of Perth, Western Australia, it was reported that Mr Kurmann’s brother Giab who had been diving with him, brought his body to a nearby boat.
The extent of Mr Kurmann’s injuries were not revealed at the time but yesterday’s announcement that body parts believed to be those of the keen diver had been found suggested he had been ripped apart.
Inspector Geoff Stewart said the remains had been sent to the mortuary in Perth and 33-year-old Mr Kurmann’s family would be asked to help ‘We’ll be speaking to them about getting some assistance with dental records and so forth so that will be one main way of us identifying the remains,’ he told PerthNow.
His comment suggested that it was part of Mr Kurmann’s upper torso that had been found washed up on Preston Beach, between Bunbury and Mandurah, some 50 miles from where the father of two was attacked while diving with his brother…

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