Just a side note to this story, as a consumer knowledgeable in areas from opening and running businesses to designing products, etc. And being involved in surfing my entire life, I have to say that Quiksilver as a business, sucks ranging from the very bottom to the top of it’s business. Many of their designs are horrible, their running of contests, utilizing social networking correctly, etc., they truly are out of touch. Did anyone buy one of the contest shirts or hats from the Quik Pro NY celebrating what could be the start of a historic surfing event? No, why? Because they sucked, and were their any designs for women? No, why?… If they don’t change their ways quik’ly they’re not going to make it…my 2 cents.
Slump hits hard: Surf icon cuts jobs
Aleks Devic | September 16th, 2011
SURF icon Quiksilver yesterday dumped 20 staff from its Torquay head office days after it was revealed the retail industry was at its worst in 20 years.
The Australian Retailer’s Association yesterday said there would be more job cuts in the retail sector with consumer confidence at a worrying low.
The job losses at Quiksilver were in the merchandise and design areas with some staff offered transfer positions to the United States.
President of Quiksilver Asia Pacific Greg Healy yesterday told the Geelong Advertiser the job cuts were regrettable but needed in times when retail sales were down and there were overlaps between some positions.
“I would say it’s been a pretty tough day for us because we pride ourselves on being a close-knit community but some decisions have to be made for the long-term,” Mr Healy said.
“It’s not easy on anyone because I’ve worked with these people for a long time.
“We are restructuring our business and that will mean job losses unfortunately.”
Quiksilver, which sponsors 10 time world champ Kelly Slater, will maintain a design and merchandise profile in Australia but the job cuts came in the areas where staff in the United States were performing the same duties.
Mr Healy said the company was capitalising on assets and the American counter parts did some designs better while the Aussie design team trumped in other areas of design.
A study released this week from Deloitte Access Economics showed that the 2010-11 financial year retailing posted its worst result in 20 years.
The independent forecaster also predicted a bleak 2012 with consumer spending not expected to rebound.
Australian Retailer’s Association executive director, Russell Zimmerman said the Reserve Bank needed to reduce rates to help the retail sector bounce back because more jobs would be cut and major retailers would be forced to close.
“It’s not a good thing for retail because retailers are struggling to maintain turnover and mainly because everyone is discounting, discounting, discounting to get people through the door.
“The industry is in distress and it’s the toughest retail scene in 20 years … and I think it’s fair to say it’s not going to change any time soon.”
Mr Healy said Quiksilver hoped it would not need to slash more jobs.
For the full story go here:

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