Switzerland Votes To End Dolphin Slave Trade



Switzerland Votes To End Dolphin Slave Trade

March 27, 2012
(SEA SHEPHERD) SWITZERLAND — With help from Sea Shepherd and the Swiss Cetacean Society (SCS), Liberal Green deputy, Isabelle Chevalley, successfully introduced a ban on importing dolphins into Switzerland. After presenting the Swiss parliament with a document drafted by Sea Shepherd and the SCS, Chevalley convinced the members of parliament to pass the ban with 112 votes for and 60 votes against. Read on for the details of the proposal, and how Sea Shepherd aided Chevalley to end the future business of captive dolphins in Switzerland. — Global Animal


With the import of dolphins into Switzerland banned, only three captive dolphins exist in the entire country. Photo Credit: eduard43 via Flickr

Sea Shepherd

The Liberal Green deputy Isabelle Chevalley has managed to ban the import of dolphins into Switzerland with the help of Sea Shepherd Switzerland and the Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS.

Sea Shepherd Switzerland and the Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS have actively supported the Liberal Green deputy Isabelle Chevalley in her Swiss parliamentary motion calling for the ban on the import of dolphins into Switzerland.

On the 12th of this month, the Liberal Green deputy Isabelle Chevalley provided members of parliament with a briefing document drawn up jointly with Sea Shepherd Switzerland and the Swiss Cetacean Society.

On the 13th of March, following her convincing debate, the deputy succeeded in having her motion on the ban carried with 112 votes for and 60 against.

The Council of States then enforced the ban on the import of dolphins into Switzerland, but nevertheless rejected a ban on their captivity…


For the full article go here:




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Chris Nomad: Passionate Nomad: Born in Venice, lived in Hawaii 7 years, surf Santa Cruz 25+ years. Professional Writer, Artist, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur, Noob Photog. You can find him on