Top kiter continues to fly high


Top kiter continues to fly high

Posted at 11:54am Wednesday 17th Aug, 2011

Top Kiwi kite surfer, Tauranga’s Marc Jacobs, has had the perfect build-up to this weekend’s round of the sport’s world tour after winning the German Championships on the island of Fehmarn in the Baltic Sea.

Marc, the reigning New Zealand champion, only entered the event at the last minute after finishing fourth in the PKRA Tour event in Spain last week.

He is currently sitting fourth in the world rankings and hopes this performance bodes well for the fifth round in the world tour in St Peter-ording on Germany’s North Sea coast, beginning on Saturday.

“A win like this is always a good boost for my confidence and hopefully I can bust out a big performance again this weekend,” says Marc.

The 21-year-old ended up beating five-time German champion Mario Rodwald in the final of the freestyle division at Fehmarn, despite testing conditions.

“It was very gusty and a bit choppy so it was hard to perform our best tricks and to get full power out of the kites, but I managed to find the gust I needed for more powerful tricks at the end to take the final.”

Christian Brill and Tim Kummerfeld were third and fourth respectively, while Sabrina Lutz won the German women’s title.

For the full story go here:

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Chris Nomad: Passionate Nomad: Born in Venice, lived in Hawaii 7 years, surf Santa Cruz 25+ years. Professional Writer, Artist, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur, Noob Photog. You can find him on