If you are going to be able to log in for the live webcast for this event, do it. The feed starts on Thursday. These events don’t get the promotional coverage they deserve but the surfing is awesome. If you want to see some of the best big wave surfers take on massive pits, these events are for you!
The 2011 Billabong Pico Alto -Copa Burn- is ON!
August 8th, 2011
Lima, August 8th 2011
This Thursday August 11th 2011, the best big wave riders in the world will compete at the Billabong Pico Alto 2011 –Copa Burn- presented by Sony, the second event of the 2011 Big Wave World Tour (BWWT) held at the famous surf spot in Pico Alto, Punta Hermosa beach, about 43 km south of Lima.
Billabong Peru BWWT Tour Director Gary Linden, Sean Collins, and Surfline.com, official forecaster of the BWWT, monitored the weather and made the final call. The conditions look optimal and the swell is expected to produce solid 30 foot face waves with some larger sets possible.
Legendary shaper and Big Wave World Tour Director Gary Linden said:
“With a solid long period swell on the way with great direction and light winds, Pico Alto will provide some excellent waves for this year’s event. While not quite as big as last year, the quality looks to be better and we can expect a very high level of big wave performance surfing.”
The best big wave surfers on the planet will be arriving this week in Peru.
Last year’s winner and current Big Wave World Champ Jamie Sterling will defend his title against personalities like Greg Long (USA), former World Champ Carlos Burle (Brazil), XXL award winners Danilo Couto (Brazil) and Grant “Twiggy” Baker (South Africa), as well as locals legends like Alvaro Malpartida, Rafael Velarde, Gabriel Villarán, Sebastian de Romaña and more.
For the full story and links to the broadcast, go here:

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