Category Archives: Other
Horned ‘Sea Monster’ Carcass Found on Spanish Beach
VIA – DISCOVERY.COM By: Betty Chu A mysterious, horned, marine creature approximately 13-feet long was found, washed ashore on the beaches of Villaricos, Spain. A woman on Luis Siret Beach first discovered the head of the “sea monster,” then the body separately, further down the beach. Local authorities were contacted and removed the … Continue reading Horned ‘Sea Monster’ Carcass Found on Spanish Beach
Orca Drowns Whalers In Indonesia, As 8 Presumed Dead Swim 16 Hours To Reach Land #OWNED #Nature #Karma
The Huffington Post | By Ron Dicker Posted: 08/19/2013 1:45 pm EDT Eight Indonesian whalers — thought to have been dragged to their deaths by an orca they harpooned — were found alive after swimming 16 hours to shore, according to the Jakarta Globe. Twelve fishermen from the island of Lembata went missing Thursday after the speared killer whale pulled … Continue reading Orca Drowns Whalers In Indonesia, As 8 Presumed Dead Swim 16 Hours To Reach Land #OWNED #Nature #Karma
French girl, 15, is ‘sliced in half’ by shark while snorkelling off Indian Ocean island #SurfReport
horrible… VIA DAILY MAIL UK By Peter Allen PUBLISHED: 10:17 EST, 15 July 2013 | UPDATED: 12:49 EST, 15 July 2013 A teenage girl ‘died instantly’ when she was sliced in two by a shark while snorkelling near the beach on a paradise island in the Indian Ocean. The 15-year-old, who lives on … Continue reading French girl, 15, is ‘sliced in half’ by shark while snorkelling off Indian Ocean island #SurfReport
1,300-pound shark caught off Huntington Beach could be record #SurfReport #Fishing
VIA – LA TIMES Kent Williams, owner of New Fishall Bait Co., stands next to a 1,323.5-pound Mako shark at the company’s headquarters in Gardena. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times / June 4, 2013) From KTLA NewsJune 4, 2013, 8:35 a.m. Talk about a monster catch. A group of fishermen hauled in a … Continue reading 1,300-pound shark caught off Huntington Beach could be record #SurfReport #Fishing
Yes to renewables, no to oil drilling in Canaries. We have the power.
Yes to renewables, no to oil drilling in Canaries. We have the power. The Canary Islands are an important habitat. The seabed is home to cold-water corals that host an abundance of marine wildlife, nearly one third of it endemic. The islands are situated in a transit zone of dolphins and whales. The EU, ITC … Continue reading Yes to renewables, no to oil drilling in Canaries. We have the power.
Disabled killer whale with missing fins survives with the help of family who hunt for its food
VIA – DAILY MAIL UK Rainer Schimpf spotted the whale off Port Elizabeth in South Africa It was missing its right-side pectoral fin and dorsal fin But it was cared for by its pod which shared food with the young male By Becky Evans PUBLISHED: 05:17 EST, 19 May 2013 | UPDATED: 15:08 EST, … Continue reading Disabled killer whale with missing fins survives with the help of family who hunt for its food