Boy Describes Encounter With Shark In Del Mar
Cameron Bishop, 12, Says Shark Bumped Him Off Surfboard
POSTED: 6:04 pm PDT August 26, 2011
UPDATED: 6:53 pm PDT August 26, 2011
SAN DIEGO — A 12-year-old boy spoke to 10News about his encounter with a massive shark in Del Mar.
Cameron Bishop said he was surfing off 24th Street on Monday when he noticed a 12- to 18-inch dorsal fin and then the silhouette of a shark that was bigger than his 6-foot surfboard.
“I looked down and there’s this huge thing, and i knew it wasn’t a dolphin. It was gray and had these black, ‘beady’ eyes,” Cameron said.
More than 100 yards from shore, he and his brother immediately started paddling back.
However, Cameron said, “It bumped me and made me wobble and maybe one of the reasons why I flipped over.”
He said he reported what happened to lifeguards, but they did not shut down the beach.
Veteran lifeguard Jim Lischer said, “I’ve never seen a great white in 40 years of lifeguarding; never seen one on the surface or underwater.”
Lischer was on duty at the time and said the boy’s description of the shark matched that of a large leopard shark or thresher shark — both are common in the area and considered harmless.
“Neither fish is dangerous in our waters. In 40 years, I’ve been here lifeguarding, I’ve never had a bite from a leopard shark or a thresher shark,” said Lischer.
For the full story go here:

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