15 November 2011
Jet Blue Waives $100 Surfboard Check Fee Between Nov. 17-Dec. 17!
As if you didn’t need need another reason to get out of town, warm up and get some surf! Jet Blue is enticing us with several deals right now including this notice that just went up on their site:
“a) The standard $100 fee for checking a surfboard will be waived between November 17, 2011 and December 17, 2011 on all JetBlue flights to all destinations where surfboards are accepted. (Surfboards are accepted to all destinations except to/from Bermuda, Santo Domingo and Santiago). Offer limited to one surfboard per customer. Surfboards are included as part of a customer’s baggage allowance and customers checking a surfboard and a bag will be subject to the second bag fee, and additional bags are subject to corresponding baggage fees. Surfboards must be in a hard or soft-sided case, one surfboard per case. Any item weighing more than 100 lbs. will not be accepted as a checked bag.”
Just make sure you put your boardshorts and a couple of pairs of undies in a carry on and you are set! In reality, I prefer Jet Blue over just about every other airline. I only wish they had more destinations, which they are apparently working on.
To lure you even further Jet Blue has a free to enter scratch of game where you can win five day vacation packages to some of their newest flight destinations including non stop service from JFK to Costa Rica! What??? Yeah, that would be a nice trip to win!
Check out all the information on the surfboard deal and how to win a trip here:

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