Police: Driver stopped for surfboard violation

These officers are completely out of line, fing fascists…


Police: Driver stopped for surfboard violation

Subsequent charges followed; trial date is Oct. 19

By North Hampton police say driver pulled over for surfboard violation
September 09, 2011 2:00 AM

NORTH HAMPTON — A Hampton surfer spent Labor Day hanging ten in the county jail after being arrested on Saturday morning.

North Hampton Police Officer William Adams initially stopped David M. Mabardy, 41, when the officer noticed Mabardy’s surf board was protruding beyond the sides of his vehicle, according to police. The stop was made at approximately 11:15 a.m. on Sept. 4.

During the course of the stop, the driver refused to provide his name or driver’s license, according to a press release issued by North Hampton police. In response, Adams told the man he was under arrest.

After allegedly putting up some resistance to being arrested, Mabardy was taken into custody. He reportedly refused to comply with the booking process and was taken to Rockingham County Jail, where he was held for arraignment.

That arraignment took place Tuesday, Sept. 6, via video conferencing in the 10th Circuit District Division Court in Seabrook. In addition to the unlawful width charge, Mabardy was also charged with disobeying a police officer, resisting arrest, operating after suspension and having suspended registration.

For the full story go here:


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