Shark sightings at N.J. beaches not isolated incidents
Monday, 15 August 2011 14:04
A somewhat reoccurring pattern took place once again at a New Jersey beach Friday when Long Branch police said swimmers were evacuated from a Long Branch beach after unconfirmed shark sighting reports.
According to, lifeguards did see two stingrays in the waters of the Chelsea Avenue beach near Pier Village, causing them to ask swimmers to leave the water. Long Branch Patch reported Beach Manager Danny George got a report of a four foot brown shark in the water at 1:15 p.m.
Meanwhile, back in June, Berkeley Patch reported that the Barnegat Coast Guard confirmed a 12-foot great white shark sighting off the southern end of Island Beach State Park near Seaside Heights.
These shark sightings at New Jersey beaches have not been isolated incidents in recent years. In what some people called “Summer of the Sharks” in New Jersey, New Jersey Newsroom reported that three shark fins were seen off Midway Beach on the Barnegat Peninsula in Ocean County.
Also, two five-foot sharks were spotted off of Seaside Park, later moving on to Seaside Heights. And a shark was spotted swimming along Ocean Beach Unit 3, near Seaside Heights.
For the full story go here:

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