Shark warning sign theft an ‘act of stupidity’
Yasmine Phillips
From: PerthNow
April 06, 2012 2:08AM
Shark warning signs were stolen from beach closest to where Peter Kurmann was fatally mauled by a great white on Saturday. Picture: Kerris Berrington Source: PerthNow
SIGNS that warned of beach closures in the wake of this week’s fatal shark attack were stolen, authorities say.
Four signs were taken from beaches near Stratham Beach, where Vasse father-of-two Peter Kurmann was killed by a great white shark while diving with his brother about 1.6km offshore last Saturday.
PerthNow reports it follows the theft of at least 10 signs within the Augusta-Margaret River Shire over summer.
Mike Burgess, from the Department of Fisheries’ shark response unit, said it was unacceptable for people to take the signs, which were designed to keep the public safe.
“The City of Bunbury and the Shire of Capel both had closed beach signs stolen on the weekend,” he said.
“This is something that the Augusta-Margaret River had experienced over the summer as well. They estimated they had lost about 10 signs.
“It’s completely unacceptable – these signs are very important in terms of the response and managing the incident on the weekend.
“If these signs are going missing, there is that burden on local government to get new signs and to have enough available whenever it is required…

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