Surf Picks Up In Galveston
POSTED: Friday, July 29, 2011
UPDATED: 3:03 pm CDT July 29, 2011
HOUSTON — Tropical Storm Don did not set southeast Texas as its target, but its affects were felt on beaches along the coast Friday.
Video: Surfers Warned About Don’s Effects
A red flag warning was in place along the Galveston seawall beaches. The warning means it is too dangerous to go in the water.
Strong winds are creating treacherous riptides along the jetties, officials said.
Along most of the beach, 100-foot sections along the jetties are roped off as “no swim” areas.
“You can be in ankle-deep water, knee-deep water and you take too many steps into the no-swim area and you’re over your head,” said Capt. Tony Pryor with Galveston Beach Patrol.
However, many surfers take the high waves as an invitation.
Albert Shannon, 60, said the water was too rough for the average surfer, but experienced surfers should be able to handle it. He hit the waves while on his lunch break from his day job as a banker.
For the full story and video go here:

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