Bubble Gum Surf Wax: Product Review

With the water temp starting to peak here in New England, I figured it would be the perfect time to do a wax review.  My good friends at Bubble Gum Surf Wax hooked me up with a bunch of bars and some of their special wax remover to put to the test.  With team riders like Rob Machado, Gabe Kling, Tonio Benson, Freddie P., and JMJ, I figured it was worth checking out.

To be honest, I use cold water wax about 80% of the year but for a few short months, I have the opportunity to use a cool or even warm bar of wax.  Being just about that time of year with today’s readings coming in just shy of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, I dug out my most wax encrusted summer sled and prepared to clean and re-apply a fresh coat of Bubble Gum Wax.

After a thorough scraping with a comb, I used their wax removing spray to assist in getting the deck spotless.  I had never used a solvent before and was really impressed with how easy it took off the old and stubborn wax spots!  It actually saved me a lot of time and elbow grease in the long run.  The spray has a nice citrus scent and is non-toxic and after using it just that one time, I am not sure I will ever go back to the barbaric wax removal methods of the past!

Bubble Gum offers a number of waxes to suit any conditions.  Their line up is as follows:

Tropical 75 degrees and up
Warm 64 – 74 degrees
Cool 60 – 68 degrees
Cold 60 degrees and below
Base All temp

With a clean board, I started off with a bar of their base coat.  Although slightly harder to apply, it gives a great foundation for the other wax and it helps fend off slippery bald spots on the deck when it gets really warm.  I decided to go with the cool wax and as soon as I peeled the wrapper back  that signature Bubble Gum smell hit my nose and brought back flurry of old memories; it smells just like the extra hard, pink gum we all knew and loved as kids!!!

It beaded up nicely and lasted the whole session without having to re-apply.  It also didn’t leave any residue on my wetsuit or feet which I’ve found can happen with some of the heavier petroleum based waxes.  Performance wise, I know a lot of people say wax is wax but I found Bubble Gum to be one of the better waxes I’ve tried.  I’ve been able to spend a few sessions with it so far and found it to be a quality product that holds up well.

I also got a few bars of Rob Machado’s new Organic wax and to be honest, I couldn’t tell a difference from their original!  It worked and smelled just as good as the other wax but I guess you feel better knowing it’s not as bad for the environment.

The only problem I found with the Bubble Gum Surf Wax is that the smell makes you want a piece of gum pretty much the whole session!  I highly suggest Bubble Gum’s products and will be using them for many years to come.  As always, thanks for reading and be sure to tell a friend….

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Chris Nomad: Passionate Nomad: Born in Venice, lived in Hawaii 7 years, surf Santa Cruz 25+ years. Professional Writer, Artist, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur, Noob Photog. You can find him on