‘Cardiff Kook’ Dressed Up For 10th Anniversary Of 9/11
Kook Dressed As Firefighter Holding American Flag
POSTED: 3:20 pm PDT September 10, 2011
CARDIFF, Calif. — Pranksters on Saturday dressed the “Cardiff Kook” statue as a firefighter to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
The statue was dressed as a firefighter holding an American flag. A sign placed below the surfer reads, “Never forget 9/11” and “United we stand.”
The statue, which is officially titled “The Magic Carpet Ride,” is better known as the “Cardiff Kook” by locals. It was erected at Cardiff By The Sea along Highway 101 in 2007 and is often the target of pranksters who dress it in various outfits.
Fort the full story go here:
For more articles and outfits on the kook go here:

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