Shark tooth found in missing walker’s board
By Stan Gorton
Sept. 23, 2013, 12:20 p.m
BOARD EVIDENCE: Fisherman Greg White of Melbourne with a shard of what Ben’s supporters think is large shark tooth embedded in the board.
ADVENTURER Benjamin Safari is missing but his surfboard has been found with what is believed to a shark took embedded in it.
The intrepid walker was last week supposed arrive in Eucla, Western Australia on the Great Australian Bight after walking the coastline from Esperance.
But his support crew has not heard from him and now his mangled surfboard has been found by a fisherman washed up on a beach.
Benjamin left Esperance back in July on the latest leg of his epic walk around Australia.
Ben Blackert of the Benjamin Safari production team on Monday was at Eucla, to pick up Benjamin Safari up as he should be finishing the last leg of his journey shortly from Esperance to the border of South Australia and Western Australia.
“I’m expecting him soon but at the moment he is running a touch late,” Ben said.
“I thought I would have seen him on the 12th of September but his walking speed and distances travelled may have varied with his circumstances.
“I am particularly worried because his surfboard has been found by fisherman, Greg White of Melbourne, with a shard of what we think is large shark tooth embedded in the board.”
According to local fisherman, the beach where his board was found is remote and has limited access, the winds are predominately from the south to west.
So Ben said the board possibly would have come from further down the coast.
“The broken board has not taken on much water and is relatively fresh. My plan is to search the beach for the intrepid adventurer and I hope to find him fit and well.”
Benjamin Safari first started his epic walking mission back in 2008 while living in Narooma on the Far South Coast of NSW.
His first walk was the entire NSW coast from the northern border with Queensland down to the Victorian border.
This walk along the beaches was captured in a movie and after some time off to raise funds he decided to walk around Australia on a solo mission carrying his supplies and surfboard with him.
His next leg was from Narooma all the way around Victoria to Torquay where he spent some time working to raise funds.
His somewhat disjointed journey saw him continue to Port Lincoln, South Australia where he again stopped to work and raise funds.
The Great Australian Bight was always going to be a challenge and after making it to the SA-WA border he decided to take another break and tackle the Great Australian Bight from the other side.
Hence this latest leg from Esperance to the Eucla on the border.
The Narooma News last reported on Benjamin back in November when he was working with camels.
“Now I’m learning how to be a cameleer and all about camels for the next and last leg of the walking journey,” Benjamin said.
His plan was always to use camels to cross the Bight but as far as we know this latest leg like all his others was unassisted and alone walking the beaches.
Benjamin has been featured in various publications including this extensive article in Outer Edge magazine: http://www.outeredgemag.com.au/feature/article/the-curious-case-of-benjamin-safari
UPDATE: We hear that Benjamin Safari is safe and sound and made it through to the other side – typical Benjamin for stirring things up!
Original post with more photos

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