Ennis began drinking alcohol at the age of 12 and smoking marijuana the following year. At the age of 17, he started using cocaine. By the time he was 25 he’d become addicted to methamphetamine and heroin.
The drug use resulted in a wasted life plus numerous adversarial contacts with prosecutors inside the Orange County District Attorney’s office and five criminal convictions, including carjacking.
In Dec. 2012, law enforcement agents found Ennis carrying a Walther P-38, 9mm pistol and this week inside Orange County’s Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse U.S. District Court Judge Josephine L. Staton sentenced him to a term of 51 months in prison.
Felons are banned from possessing weapons.
The 39-year-old defendant apologized to Staton and promised he plans to remove certain tattoos.
His dream?
He hopes to become a drug counselor when he emerges back into society in late 2017 or early 2018.
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