Gnarly! Read below to find out what happens to this dude after this horrific bail…
Deadly waves claim even the best and bravest
BEVAN EAKINS, The West Australian
August 11, 2011, 6:15 am
Surfers come from all over the globe to tackle Tombstones . . . and aptly, some of them are nearly buried there.
The world-famous break at Gnaraloo Station has been pumping over the past few weeks, attracting both the brave and the foolhardy.
One bodyboarder fell 3m from a wave crest on to the reef, hyper-extending his legs over his head, breaking his neck, ripping off an eyelid, fracturing an eye socket and breaking his nose.
Another surfer had 22 stitches put in his head after being hit by a surfboard.
Dunsborough surfer and photographer Leith Holtzman captured pictures last week and saw the wave that damaged the young bodyboarder the week before.
“He’d just set off with his girlfriend on a trip around Australia and had to return to Perth for treatment,” Mr Holtzman said yesterday.
“It’s probably the biggest swell we’ve had up north this year.
“There were probably 15 surfers out but they were mostly just admiring the waves. It’s just a really heavy, heavy wave. Even when it is perfect it is really dangerous.
“It’s a life-threatening wave.”
Marnie Bartley, who has run the shop at 3 Mile Camp, just off the beach, for three years, said it was difficult to get treatment for injured surfers.
For the full story go here:

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