Most dramatic photos from Hurricane Irene
A surfer passes the broken end of the Bogue Inlet Fishing Pier in Emerald Isle, N.C. on August 28, 2011 showing the destructive power of Hurricane Irene. The storm that spent 12-hours scouring the coast killed at least five people, brought pockets of flooding that required rescues along the sounds and left nearly a half-million customers without power. (AP Photo/The News & Observer, John Rottet) MANDATORY CREDIT Photo: AP / SL
One of two people rescued from a sailboat, right, uses a line to make their way onto the beach on Willoughby Spit in Norfolk, Va., Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011, after they and another person were rescued from the boat that foundered in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. A rescuer, left, waits for s second person to exit the boat. (AP Photo/TheVirginian-Pilot, Bill Tiernan) MAGS OUT Photo: AP / SL
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