Photo: Jayce Robinson was captured riding what is believed to be the largest wave recorded off Ireland’s shores on Tuesday
Surfer Snapped Riding Monster Irish Waves
ayce Robinson was captured riding what is believed to be the largest wave recorded off Ireland’s shores on Tuesday
6:24pm UK, Wednesday December 14, 2011
A surfer has been pictured riding one of the biggest recorded waves ever to hit Irish shores.
Jayce Robinson was photographed catching the major Atlantic swell at Mullaghmore Head, which produced waves of up to 67ft.
The daredevil dislocated his knee – and his board snapped in half – during his efforts on Tuesday.
But Mr Robinson, from St Ives, is no rookie to the surf. He is the former top Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) European junior – and hits the waves in international surfing competitions as much as possible.
The 22-year-old, who has been surfing since he was just seven, told Sky News Online: “It was definitely the biggest barrell I’ve ever surfed.
:: Follow Jayce’s surfing antics through his blog as he chases waves over Winter
“I was a little nervous but I didn’t have time to think about it – it’s almost like a car crash, you don’t know what’s happening.
“I was only on it for about 20 seconds then the lip just hit me straight in the back and I went down.
“It’s like being in a washing machine and I felt my limbs get pulled all over the place. That’s when I felt my knee pop.”
His mate – and fellow British surfer – Lyndon Wake witnessed the glorious ride after towing him out to the waves behind a jetski.
“It’s always a worst case scenario when your tow partner wipes out,” he told Sky News Online.
“Lucky he managed to come out the other side OK and I got him straight back on the jetski.”
The adrenalin-seeking pair have been in Ireland for about a month chasing the swells.
Jayce (R) was towed out to the monster waves – and then rescued – by his mate Lyndon Wake on a jetski
“The waves are just amazing and world-class here at this time of year,” Mr Robinson said.
“(The wipeout) is not going to hold me back, that’s for sure. As soon as my knee is better I will be back out there…”
For the full article go here:

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