Tag Archives: Surfing

Horse Powered Tow-ats…Literally

Another surfing novelty? Maybe…but certainly a first. The surfers for sustainability over at Localclothes personified “horsepower” with a stunt that would surely piss-off PETA, but also represents their eco-friendly innovations. Leave it to central coast Ca chargers to mash-up the two diversions they do best, while ripping on their patented hemp boards of course.

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What’s That? Alana and Bikini Shots? No!?

We know, we know. We couldn’t believe it either.
In case you haven’t seen enough pics (as if there’s such a thing) of Alana Blanchard’s signature bikini-clad derriere snapshots…the Rip Curl “Bikini Zine” Starring Alana Blanchard.

Click the image above to see the full zine
Really ideal timing, as we’re sure you’ve already time traveled through December 2011 […]

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